Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Don't Forget to Tune in to Access Hollywood Tomorrow, Thursday March 5th @7:30

While I was on the phone with Stupid Lion Lover, she informed me that there will be a sneak peek of deleted scenes from the Twilight movie!  They titled it Forbidden Love.  I guess that means there will be some hot and steamy scenes between Edward and Bella!   When we watched the preview together over the phone, I told her that I really didn't want to watch it due to the jealousy issues I have! Hahaha You know I'm a hater!  I have that "I wish it were me" complex going on when I see him kiss her neck or just kiss her in general! LoL  I know I'm a slightly psycho, ask my husband! j/k 

1 comment:

  1. Please record & post it on your blog in case I miss it. Thanks, stupid lamb.
