Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sleeping With the Enemy

No I am not talking about the movie with Julia Roberts in it, you know the one where she tries to escape the psycho husband! LoL I'm just frustrated because my husband decided to put me on blast on Facebook!  He announced that he wants to start a "He Man Twilight Haters Club", and he already has members in line to join.  What is wrong with Twilight?  What does he have against it?  Is it because he thinks we were going to far in starting an actual club, or throwing an official party?  If anything I think our husbands or boyfriends should be proud that we actually can get together with our girlfriends, not have to go out to a club or get drunk and end up really enjoying ourselves!  I honestly think our little (okay maybe not little) obsession with Twilight is harmless.  I mean it has affected our lives, but not enough where we can't function normally and perform our daily duties, like work for example.  (Well maybe some of us, and you know who you are! j/k LoL)  And what does it matter if Edward is a fictional character?!?  All I hear coming out of my husband's mouth is, "OMG he's not even real."  I mean if he's "just a fictional character" then why does he bother you so much?!?!  Sorry had to just let it all out. LoL  In a way, I'm a little curious to see what this Twilight Haters club will do when they get together.  We'll see what happens, I'll keep you posted.

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