Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What would you buy????

My husband and I have collected everything from Star Wars Toys, Transformers, and Mighty Muggs.  I thought it would be fun to surf the web and look at all the Twilight merchandise online.  These are a few that I found.....

The Twilight Pieceworks Cards

So I'm starting off with what I want the most.  Yes they do sell cards with pieces of costumes from the movie!! And they have Edward's shirt!!! I want one!  I'm not even going to lie, I will admit right now that if I buy it I will sniff the shit out of that piece of shirt!!!   And the best part is, it looks small enough to carry with me where ever I go!!! LoL  Of course this particular one runs from $75 to $300 and up!  And they do have these cards for all the characters in the movie.  I found someone selling all the costume cards and the entire set of Twilight cards ever made for over $2000! 

The Car Decal Sticker

So this one is a little trickier because they have sooo many to choose from.  They have everything from "Be Safe" to "Dazzled", and they cost anywhere from $5.00 to $13.00.  I posted a picture of one that I would have on my car! LoL

The Lunchbox
My niece Kayla actually wants this lunchbox and so does her mom!!! LoL  I really wish I had the balls to bring this to work with me.  But I might just buy it to have.  Maybe I can give it to my daughter four years from now when she starts Kindergarten.  But what would my husband think if I bought a $42 lunchbox!  Why couldn't they come up with one with just Edward on it.  I would totally buy it!!

The Twilight Music Box

 So this jewelry box is suppose to be available at amazon.com on March 26th but is available for preorder now!!  The music box features a removable locket and the Cullen family crest spins to the beautiful "Claire de Lune".  The quote "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb" is on the front of this music box.  I think I need a place for my charm bracelet made by Runs With Wolves.

The Twilight Boardgame

Okay so MTV.com has featured that Twlight has a board game!!!  So basically you start off in Phoenix and you move to different squares which features different scene's in the movie and a long the way you answer questions about either the movie or questions where you would discuss the answer with whoever you play with!  The more you know the better the chance you have in winning.  I am very very competitive and board games are my specialty.


  1. If they have an Alice Cullen action figure/doll, I'll be all over that, along with her Canary Yellow Porsche lol.
